Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance

We are willful to be the leading company of this region, gaining trust to the investors including stakeholders and adding more value to the organization with virtue, trustworthy and verifiable business administration through the principles of good corporate governance which is the general leading organization’s basis.

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Articles of Association

By special resolution of Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 1/2003 on May 29th, 2003

Transactions Policy

Sapthip Co., Ltd. emphasizes on above-board corporate governance and regards all stakeholders in every aspect. According to EXCOM Meeting 4/2010 held on October 9th, 2010 agreed to the transaction policy, this is for to be a complete guidelines for the operations on the transaction policy.

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Compliant and Whistle Blowing Channels

(Human Resources Manager will firstly handle prior to forward complaints to channels above.)

Anti-Corruption Policy

We persist in equitable, trustworthy, verifiable and corporate governance.  We are also responsible for society and all stakeholders through the principles of good corporate governance and company’s code of conduct.

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Enterprise Risk Management Policy

The executive and officers will be responsible for organization’s risk management by taking parts in developing risk management to reduce the chance of failure or loss.

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Privacy Policy

The Company respects the right to privacy and attaches importance to the protection of personal information relating to or transactions with the Company.Therefore, this Privacy Policy has been created. In order to have guidelines, mechanisms, measures to supervise and manage personal data clearly and appropriately.

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Safety, Occupational Health
and Working Environment Policy

We determine the organization administration toward global standard for to be ethanol producer from cassava. The executives realize that QMS, SSHE MS are much important and that idea of how important makes the operations willingly follow.

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Board Charter and Sub-committee

Code of Conduct

  • Code of Conduct of Board, Executives and Officers
  • Business Code of Conduct
  • Officer Code of Conduct
  • Investor Relations Code of Conduct
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Code of Conduct

  • จรรยาบรรณของคณะกรรมการ ผู้บริหาร และพนักงาน
  • จรรยาบรรณธุรกิจ
  • จรรยาบรรณของพนักงาน
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